Issued: 18/Sep/2022, Times of India. Online. London

Popular actor Vikas Kumar made a place for himself in the entertainment industry with his
performance in projects like Aarya, Parmanu, CID and others. Recently, the actor, along with his
friend Sharib Khan, started his own production house. Along with the collaboration with a New
York-based company, the duo has started working on a documentary film, based on Indian
women cyclists.
The film features Gareema Shankar, a 43 year old mother from Delhi, and Renu Singhi, a 57
year old grandmother from Jaipur.Gareema became ‘Heroes of LEL 2022’ and Renu Singhi,
turned out to be the first Indian woman ever to complete the 1500 km challenge within the
stipulated time of 125 hrs. The team recently completed their 11-day schedule in the UK
covering the most testing cycling event in the world, London-Edinburgh-London, a 1500 km ride
to be completed in 125 hours. The journey of Gareema and Renu was followed by the film crew
and they captured other participants too, including the organisers and volunteers who were
present at the event. Many people were curious about the presence of a film crew on the route
through England and Scotland.
Vikas Kumar says, “The crew did a lot of hard work when they covered the 1500 km route for 10
days and lived the journey of Gareema and Renu. Our director, Ameya Gore, managed the
shoot and activities virtually from India while the crew was at the UK event. Everyone in the
crew was so alert that they were sleep deprived for 10 days. It was really a lovely experience
and we hope that the film will inspire many people.”

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